Monday, May 15, 2017

Lawn Care

It is that time of the year that the Extension Office gets numerous calls about the home lawn. I thought I would take a moment to address a few common questions.

Water: Water is the first factor we look at and here in Otero County quality and quantity are the consideration. We have high pH soils and our water is hard so to manage these issues we can do a few things better.
 1- water deep and less frequently which means water once or twice a week and make sure the water goes down about 6 inches. this encourages deeper roots and maintains better subsoil moisture. Frequent shallow watering does not encourage deep roots and contributes to drying out and this can make the salt issue in our soils worse.
 2- How high should I mow my yard? Cool season grasses like Fescue, Brome and Rye need to be kept higher at 2.5 to 3.5 inches. Warm season grasses like Bermuda can be mowed at 2 to 3 inches. Remember the higher the above ground portion of the plant the deeper the roots go. If  mowing is done frequently it is better for the lawn, removing a high percentage of the plant at cutting stresses it.
 3- Controlling weeds in the lawn is easier if the lawn is healthy and can compete against the weeds. When weeding is needed it is most effective when the weeds are young and easier to control. If a herbicide is needed find the appropriate herbicide for the weeds present and read and follow the label. If assistance is needed in identifying the weeds contact the Extension Office for help. Remember there are cool season weeds and warm season weeds and they will need to be treated separately.
 4- Watering and mowing grass takes nutrients out of the soil even when there is no bagging of the clippings. Soil samples will tell the home owner exactly what nutrients are need to produce a healthy lawn. Many home owners just go to the store and buy a commercial fertilizer and sometimes this works. However, to really understand your lawn soil samples need to be taken ever few years and fertilizer should be put down in two or three applications throughout the growing season and not in one large application. Knowing what type of grass is in the lawn is important for proper fertilizer application.
 5-Aeration is a very useful lawn management application that is environmentally friendly and inexpensive. It is very beneficial to tight sodded lawns like Bermuda and high traffic areas.

In summery:
-Water deep and infrequently
-Raise your mowing deck to the correct level and mow frequently
- Feed your lawn as needed but don't over do it
-Control competitive weeds
-Aerate  the lawn

If anyone has questions on lawn care and maintenance please contact the Extension office for help and suggestions.

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